【同义词辨析】 2019-02-08 疑虑apprehension-presentiment

apprehension: implies a mind preoccupied with fear and anxiety: approached the dangerous undertaking with great ~.   preoccupied全神贯注一门心思心事重重以致忽略其它事情to think a lot about something that you hardly notice other things,如she looked very preoccupied她看起来心事重重

foreboding: suggests fear that is oppressive, unreasoning, or indefinable: the deserted streets filled me with strange ~.

misgiving: suggests uneasiness and mistrust: had my ~s about her from the start.

presentiment: implies a vague or uncanny sense that something, often unpleasant, is bound to happen: a ~ that some of our group would not survive.  uncanny令人不快的奇怪神秘implies unpleasant strangeness or mysteriousness,如bore an uncanny resemblance to his dead wife长得和他去世的妻子出奇的像)

apprehension害怕担心: 指心中“充满”害怕担心,foreboding不祥预感: 并因此感到害怕压抑,misgiving疑虑: 表示不安不信任,presentiment不祥预感: 预感不好的事情将要发生

记忆方法: 1)首字母AFMP想成MPAF没平安福<==使人疑虑

         2)疑虑的意思是感到不好的事情将要发生mean a feeling that something undesirable will or is about to happen.